Saturday, May 17, 2014

Project 23: Bug Report & Soft Sculpture

One of the things that I love about my kids going to a small school is that they often have the same teachers that their siblings had before. My son, Charlie is very bonded to his first grade teacher and has come to love school this year. Because of his developmental delays he has been in a school setting since he was 2 years old. But this is the year that things opened up for him. He is excited about learning new things and doing educational projects.

The kids have 2 or 3 big projects a year and I typically help them with the visual part of the project and my wife helps with the written part of the project. It works out well because it relies on both of our strengths so we don't get to a point where we are pulling our hair out. For this project Charlie had to choose a bug or insect to do a report and create a project. He chose a black widow spider. We've had fun learning about the specific anatomy of spiders. I never realized that the legs of a spider are attached to the small part- the cephalothorax if you're interested.

Here he is with his finished soft sculpture. He did all of the sewing except for the legs- I went back and resewed over his part because they were giving us lots of trouble staying in place.

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