Thursday, May 8, 2014

Project 19: A gift for a friend

I might be a little vague in this post because this gift is a secret. Shhhh.

Last year, we tore down an old cedar privacy fence in the back yard. This left me with a huge pile of beautiful weathered wood.

I mean, isn't that beautiful? It reminds me of a long walk down a country gravel road. I can't get rid of this huge pile of wood because I love it so. Back to the project at hand though. 

It started like this: 

I ended up taking it into the garage to cut because it was getting everywhere. 

I sanded off a lot of the texture since I was going to paint it and I didn't want all the paint to flake off. I still left the grain of the wood showing through. 

I picked out the design I wanted and printed out, sizing it according to my project. 

Using transfer paper I lightly traced the design and then "painted" it in. I use quotes because I actually used sharpies here since the grain of the wood is so pronounced. 

I think it looks great just like this, but I had something else in know something with words. I love word art. P.S. That pink thing is a bunny tail. I'm painting on one of my kids old towels, it used to have bunny ears too. Then we got a dog. Ha! 

Here is the finished project. I added a little white paint to make it seem more worn. It is a gift for a friend that was there for me during one of the most difficult times of my life. We met on an online forum and realized that we lived in the same city.  Another friend is helping to make sure she feels her echo of love coming back to her. 

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