Thursday, May 8, 2014

Project 17: Haint Blue Porch Ceiling

Let me start off by saying, I LOVE Pinterest! My degree is in Interior Design and one of my favorite parts was presentation boards. Collecting materials and photos to have a visual representation of your design. I'm a visual person and if I try to explain something I typically draw it for you. Having an online (clutter free) space to collect design ideas is really amazing to me.

This next project was inspired by a Pin that an old friend put on her Pinterest board (shout out to Meegan) for her new home. It was a Haint blue porch ceiling. It reminded me of my mom telling me why they had blue porch ceilings in Arkansas. So the ghosts and spirits couldn't enter your home and haunt (haint) you. Although my mom grew up just at the Mason Dixon line she was a southern girl through and through. This was a perfect quick project to spruce up our home and to connect me to my roots.

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