Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Project 24: Harry Potter Kitchen Vignettes

Lately I've been doing a lot of vignette decorating. Doing a little display here or there with things that make me happy. Most of the time when I do this I go "shopping" throughout my house and pick up items that would belong, bring them to the spot and start arranging them. It's something that my mom used to do all the time growing up.

We recently remodeled part of our main bathroom. Previously I had it designed as a Harry Potter themed room. After the remodel last month most of the accessories were put in my craft room (except for the entrance to the Ministry of Magic ;), of course) but I moved them to the kitchen today.

I recently painted the back splash area with the same color that graces most of my home, aqua. It really needed a touch up. Once it was painted I was thinking about adding red to the kitchen so I went "shopping" and started bringing red accessories in. The largest item was my Hogwarts Express sign and that gave me the idea to bring all my Harry Potter items into the kitchen. You've seen this fabric bunting in my craft room redo  and I've moved it around to other areas of the house when I've needed it. I cut some red fabric strips out of my stash to make it fit in here.

Here's some close up shots of some of the items I previously made for the Powder room. They've really held up and still look great. 

This Wolfsbane Potion is actually just salt now. My olive oil container was reused from a cranberry liquor from last holiday season. 

This is the broom I use everyday. I fell in love with it because it looks so much like a quidditch broom. The snitch resided here until I decorate the powder room, now it's back in it's original location. 

I painted this cup at a local paint your own pottery place last year. It's my favorite cup, especially since I switched to a one cup coffee maker. 

This is my Hermione time turner necklace, I actually wore it to the grocery store this morning. When I say I go "shopping" in the house, nothing is off limits. 

It is held on to this vase with painters tape on the back where you can't see it. 

Many times when I'm doing a little redecorating I search for Printables that might fit my theme. This one is from Simply Fresh Designs and is a Dumbledore quote that I already loved since all of my kiddos have varying degrees of special needs. 

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