Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Project 26: Freezer Stock Up

Part of my Summer Organization has been getting some ready made meals stocked up in the freezer.  Many times when we're out at the pool, the beach or hiking we have to leave because I need to get home to plan dinner. I want to spend our summer DOING things.

I don't really like to cook. I can follow a recipe and obviously I do it 20 times a week, but it's not something I have a passion for. I'd rather live off of soup and yogurt. Anything with a straw really. What I'm trying to say is I need some inspiration in this area. I'm lucky to have a friend and neighbor, Chef Becky, that is a personal chef. I've helped her out on occasion when she has a big order coming up or just needs an extra pair of hands. It's been a great learning experience for me, like having private lessons from a professional chef. I've also done some photography for her when she shoots cooking segments for our local TV news station. So I've been able to see some of her great recipes in action.

For our freezer stock up I used many of Becky's recipes including my favorite, Chicken and Black Bean Enchiladas.  I actually made three pans of these because we like them so much we could eat it once a week.

I also froze ready made breakfast sliders so if we are heading to the beach I don't have to run through a drive through.  

I made two huge pans of veggie lasagna that I'm having a hard time not yanking out right away to eat. 

This project was labor intensive but it really was easier to just make big batches as I was cooking. I need to remember that in the future so I can keep our freezer filled. Here's to a fun summer with less work! 

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