Monday, January 13, 2014

Project 2: Crock Pot Greek Yogurt

So it's not a big project but, it helps me remind myself of all the little things I do that make up a day. I've made my own yogurt and soft cheese in the past but I've never tried to make greek yogurt. It's a little bit between yogurt and cheese in the making process. I thought this specific recipe was interesting because it used the crock pot and I've always used the stove before.

I poured a 1/2 gallon of milk into the crock pot, set it on high and waited for the milk to come to 185 degrees. I don't know how long it took because I went grocery shopping. So far, I like this crock pot method. Then I turned it off and offset the lid a little and waited for it to cool to 110 degrees. I then added 2 tbsp of yogurt from the fridge. I wrapped the crock pot in a towel and a blanket and went to sleep for the evening.

The next morning there was a large amount of whey floating on top. I used a ladle and skimmed it off, letting it reform and then repeated the process a few times.

This makes the yogurt thicker since you are removing some of the liquid.

Then I packaged it into containers and served it with honey drizzled on the top for the kids. Total price: 89 cents for 8 servings of yogurt.

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