Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year 50 projects

It's a new year and I'm ready to get in gear. I'm one of those people who like New Year's resolutions even if I don't keep them. I like the idea of picking a point in time, calling it a fresh slate, forgiving myself and starting over. Something about beginning anew motivates me. I've set a goal for this upcoming year.

50 projects. Accomplishments. Documented success.

As a mom, most of my time is spent getting things done. Laundry, dishes, finding socks, letting the dog in and out, helping with homework and cleaning out closets. I was at New Year's Day party (isn't that better than New Year's Eve? Seeing your friends and still collapsing into bed at 10:30. Sleep. Beautiful sleep.) and someone asked me what I did. You know, for like a living? "I'm just a stay at home mom." I must have sounded pretty dejected because just about everyone in the room chimed in with everything I do. Canning, creating, sewing, painting and all the other mom stuff I mentioned before. It was nice to know my friends appreciate the work I do and didn't let me forget how important it is. One of my friends recently sent me this article about why being a mom is enough, because she thought of me. So I want to remind myself of all the things I do actually get done. So 50 projects. Here we go.

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