Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Project 1. Banquette Seating

Recently we've realized that we spend more time entertaining in our dining room than we do any other room in our house. We're game players and appetizer makers. We don't have too many formal dinners unless it's a holiday. If friends are over we set out a buffet of finger foods on the island and get out the Settlers of Catan. The only problem was our dining room is a little cramped and the seating is uncomfortable if you're sitting there for 3-4 hours. It was worse than a church pew (according to my Catholic raised wife).

I've had a dining room Pinterest board for a while trying to capture the essence of what I wanted in the dining room. I love Pinterest. I have a degree in Interior Design and it's like collecting a huge presentation for a client without getting up and rummaging through a materials library. One thing kept coming up over and over again in my photos of dining rooms I liked: Banquettes.

After looking online and in stores I finally decided on this one at World Market, I found out it wasn't in stock. I didn't like the arms anyway. It would make it harder to get into and out of. Then I came across a "mini futon" at a local discount store. It looks just like many of the banquettes I was looking at but was just too low to the ground. Hmmmm, maybe I could change that!

I had to cut the leg down a little shorter and then finished it with paint. 

I then made a stronger back frame. It sits up against a wall so the back legs aren't seen. 

Here it is in place. One of my favorite things about it is that it looks perfect yet the price tag was 1/4 of the original one I almost bought. I plan on sewing a slipcover for it. Not because I hate the zebra, because I don't, but because both the cat and the dog love it. I don't think the cat has slept anywhere else since it came in the house. Project 1. Check. 

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