Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You are loved beyond measure

Kids grow so fast.  People told me, but I didn't listen.  Now, I know!
I keep a small journal with inspirational quotes, pictures, magazine cutouts, any little snippet that speaks to me. Since long before Charlie was born, I've loved the quote, "You are Loved Beyond Measure" and waited for the perfect project to come along.

Since our first child was born, we've lived in 5 different houses. So marking their growth on any sort of old fashioned door or something wasn't ever an option. I love the graphic look of this oversized ruler and I happened to have the wood sitting in the garage waiting to be cut down for my compost bin doors. After it was finished I went back through the assorted doctor visit pages I had kept for the files and found heights for my three littles and marked them. From now on I plan to put a mark on their birthdays! 

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