Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dreaming of the Garden

It's freezing in the Pacific Northwest right now. And by freezing I mean it's been like only 40 degrees, which is close to arctic standards. Being in the mild Oregon climate has spoiled me. I remember when I first moved here I laughed at those people burning up when it hit 85 degrees. HA! They didn't know heat. 40 degrees, HA! They didn't know about wind chill and 10 degrees below zero. Now I understand. My body is used to the nice weather. Any variation seems extreme. 

I'm dreaming of spring plantings and all the things I want to do in the garden. Last fall I found some interesting wood donated to our local Habitat for Humanity Restore. I sanded, carved and painted it to dress up my plain fence posts. I still want to change my garden gates to a prairie style stained glass like design. But for now I'm just dreaming....and putting on another pair of socks. 

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