Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Project 6: Fabric Bookholders

This is a project I've had on my to-do list for a while. I saw this project on pinterest or craftgawker or make.....somewhere out there. I thought it would be perfect for my daughter Josie because she is the ultimate bed hoarder. You know the type: 47 stuffed animals, 4 pillows, 13 books....I don't even know how she sleeps.

The bookholders are hung with double curtain rod brackets. I found mine on clearance at Lowe's almost a year ago with this project in mind. Here is a close up of what they look like, they are actually installed upside down.

You can see in the photo I just used black thread and I didn't trim off the edge of the fabric. This is from a lesson I learned when I quit my full time job and went back to college as an adult with a mortgage and THEN proceeded to have two babies 4 months apart. I call it "D in Pottery" - as in nobody is gonna care that you got a D in pottery once you are working and have your degree. Do what you can and keep going. Good enough. I can get a lot of things done because I'm fine with good enough instead of perfect. In this instance I finished three bookholders and had them hung before my kids got off the bus. They love them.

I made my little "hoarder" a deeper one than the others. This meant that the dowels snapped in half after one use. I bought thicker dowels for hers and now it's holding up fine. 

I love that I can change the fabric as their tastes change. They have also started using them in creative ways. Instead of holding any books, my son's holds all of his ocean creature toys. When he's laying in bed he gets them out and starts intricate play stories usually involving a sea monster chasing someone. So far a nice benefit is that I don't have to start flipping mattresses when it's 7:30 am and we can't find a library book when the bus is waiting outside. Win.

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