Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Project 12: Please god, Poppies.

I am a gardener, like my mother and my grandmother before me. If you visited my mother's home you didn't get a tour of the house, but, you did get a tour of the garden. I've been mostly a vegetable gardener until this home. Here's what did it:

A tree peony. My mother never grew peonies. I had never seen one before. I was in love. I've since planted a gazillion herbaceous peonies and officially started a collection. 

THEN I found out that there is a variety of poppies that flowers like a peony. What the what! I'm attempting for the second year in a row to grow them from seed. Most of the information says to just scatter the seeds. That didn't work last year. I'm trying direct seeding, greenhouse seed cells and presprouting this year. Please god, poppies!

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