Sunday, July 14, 2013

Harry Potter Powder Room

I've been working on a few projects here and there, just puttering around in between summer fun. We took a trip to the California redwoods, the Southern Oregon coast, went camping, kayaking and have picked lots of berries for canning later.

I've recently started a new project that I'm excited about though, a Harry Potter powder room. To start off with I found some book and potion printables online:

I also found some lettering I could use for a Hogwarts Express sign. I wanted it to be just like the one in the movies. This is my first time using homemade Modge Podge (half school glue, half water) and was happy with the results. 

I ordered some decals off of Ebay for the lightswitches and the "entrance" to the MoM. 

I still have more to do and lots of ideas but, I'm happy with how it's turning out so far. Even if the muggles in my house don't understand. 


  1. I love this! My husband would mock me mercilessly if I tried this (though he'd probably go for a star trek or lord of the rings room). I think I'll just enjoy looking at yours.

  2. My other half thinks all things "not real" are hobbits. She doesn't even know the difference between LOTR or HP. My kids do though! Ha
