Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Seed Starting

Now that spring is officially here I've switched gears to starting seeds and getting my vegetable garden plan in order. The first spring we were in this house I spent the entire time building raised beds and turning the front yard into a Potager Garden. This year I'm trying to pre-sprout all my seeds on an old heating pad and then transplant them into starter pots and into the cold frame in the garden. Once they grow big enough then they'll be planted in to the raised garden beds. I've also been direct sowing peas, lettuce and other cold loving crops. I've already harvested the first spears of asparagus and my rhubarb is starting to look good as well. We're still digging up overwintered carrots and I found that I didn't get all the potatoes dug up last fall. I have plenty of spots where potatoes are already sending up foliage.

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