Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Boy and his Tree

This is my boy and his tree. A tree that he climbs on. A tree that he swings from. It is a beautiful purple leafed plum tree. In the spring it is splended. It explodes with pink flowers and I can see it from my kitchen window. It brings me great joy. But not as much as it does my 5 year old. It is a boat, a fort and sometimes a submarine. We've had this IKEA swing on the tree for a while but I decided it needed a little quote .....doesn't everything? It's from The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein "Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy"


A year ago my mother passed away. When we purchased this house I knew I would be planning a big garden here. She taught me my love for gardening and in her last year of life we grew our biggest garden ever. We had so many plans for this new garden we even began purchasing trees while in our rental house. Those plants and trees now have a home and I wanted to dedicate the garden to her on the one year anniversary of her death. I searched for something online but could not find anything perfect so I knew I had to create a dedication plaque myself. I used my dremel to carve the design and later filled it in with homemade chalk paint. I love how it turned out.